Bulimia Therapy
Discover a healthier way to access emotions and build distress tolerance skills so you can begin building a healthier relationship with food.

What Is Bulimia?
The Mayo Clinic describes Bulimia as a serious eating disorder where individuals go through cycles of secretly binging then purging by inducing vomiting or using laxatives, weight-loss supplements, diuretics, or enemas.
Those with Bulimia are overly preoccupied by weight and body shape with strong self-judgment and negative body image. Left untreated, Bulimia can lead to severe tooth decay, absent or irregular periods for females, digestive problems, heart concerns, and more.
We believe that Bulimia stems from low-stress tolerance and difficulty regulating emotions, which is why we focus on the root cause more than how it manifests in your day-to-day life.

What to Expect During Therapy for Bulimia
Like with our treatment modality for other eating disorders, we take a long-term approach so you can learn to navigate life through healthy outlets. We’ll work on distress tolerance skills, emotional regulation, and how to navigate the range of human emotions.
We find that those seeking therapy for Bulimia do best in both individual and group therapy sessions. Group therapy is a valuable addition because it helps you learn how to access a wide range of emotions while engaging with others and navigating interpersonal experiences.
We also believe that, for best, long-lasting change, therapy is a long-term commitment. By committing to finding freedom through the emotional foundation of Bulimia, you can emerge with a balanced outlook on food, relationships, and life.
Start a healthy approach to navigating Bulimia
Email jill@jlewistherapy.com or by calling (347) 563-5736.